Petros Activity Centre

Theme: 爱 . 喜乐 . 生命 …建造在这磐石上

Love . Laughter . Life…Built on this Petros

Established on 2006年6月;宗旨/目的 OBJECTIVES:

透过群体活动,整全训练,辅导服务,激励青少年探索生命、珍惜生命、建立积极的人生及价值观。To motivate the youth community to search and appreciate the meaning of life, develop positive personal values and positive attitude in life through providing various activities such as teamwork, training and counseling services.


A.  休闲站Leisure Centre

一个舒适及温暖,加上亲切及友善的气氛,让青少年在课余时间可以放松心情、纾解情绪及交友联谊的佳美小站。We provide a place where youths can relax and interact with each other in a warm, comfortable and friendly environment.


上网、看电视、玩电视游戏机、玩乐器、温习功课、阅读书籍杂志、群体棋类游戏。Online, Watch TV or movies, Play TV’s games, Play musical instrument (guitar, keyboard), Revision, Read books and magazines, Play board games, Pool, Soccer Table etc.
·         开放时间Opening Hours:

星期一-五: 10.00am – 7.00pm; 星期六:8.30am – 5.00pm;星期日:休息

Mon-Fri: 10.00am-7.00pm; Sat: 8.30am-5.00pm; Sun: Closed.

B.  假期激励营 Holiday Motivational Camp

C.  生命冲击事工Life Impact Ministries

采用LIFE game  方式,把青少年带入一个模拟人生游戏里,从中体验并发觉生命的意和目的。

Youth can now experience a real life situation via ‘life game’ and recognize what is the purpose or meaning of life.

D.  生命课程Life Course

1.    青春无悔No Apologies:关于生命、爱与性的真相 -以品格为基础倡导婚前守贞。

The truth about life, love and sex is a character-based abstinence curriculum that helps

young people make wise choices regarding sexual involvement before marriage.


提供演艺平台,让热爱演艺的青少年可以发挥其才华,齐来学习演艺技巧,及制作属于青少年文化、爱、生命的影片,带出健康有益的媒介、有爱的故事及激励生命的见证来回馈社会,造就本地及远处青少年的生命。To provide a platform for youth in performing arts in order to express their talents and those who wants to learn the skills in filming arts that contain the elements of youth culture, love, life. This is aimed to create a healthy, motivational medium as a testimony in encouraging and nurturing youths to contribute to the community as well.

F.  补习班 Tuition


19-21/11/2013 青春无悔 No Apologies Course

11/11 – 13/12/2013: BE A BOSS

想 当老板,赚取人生的第一桶金吗?机会就在眼前!磐石将在来临的假期,给你当一个月半的老板。你将有机会决定你要卖的产品、设计你喜欢的宣传、计算你所需的 经费等等,然后在最后三天,我们将带你到所指定的商场推出你的产品。成不成功就看这三天的成绩!而且这三天所赚到的钱全归你。当然,我们将提供支援辅助 你,包括做生意的培训讲座、个人的密切督促及开始的本钱。不是每个人一生都有机会做老板,但你可以乘这机会尝试做老板的滋味,谁知你就是以后的大老板。
Fee: RM60 (Deposit RM50)
Dateline: 9/11/2013
Only receive first 25 persons.

17-19/12/2013 Fight For Fun

漫长的假期如何渡过呢?起来,找一批好友,组成一支队伍,向Fight For Fun挑战。三天室内及室外的激战将考验你的智商、体能和团队合作,而最终胜出的队伍将获得高达RM1,000的奖金。有刺激、有欢乐、有友谊、有奖金,绝对让你有个精彩的假期,还等什么呢?
日期和时间 : 17/12 (9am-4pm), 18/12 (1-5pm), 19/12 (2-9pm)
地点: 磐石活动中心,Tanjung Aru Beach 2
年龄: 13-20岁
组别: 六个人一组(三男三女)
报名费:11月15号之前 RM120一组,11月15号之后 RM180 一组

(refer to poster above)

Address: Jalan Damai, Dah Yeah Villa, 88450 Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia
Phone: 088 - 313788 / Hp: 019 - 8622680 / 019 - 8121224

DATE:12 / 05 / 2014

About the Author


Author & Editor

Pengiklanan Percuma Pasaran Sabah

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